Wednesday, May 16, 2012


We're a little over a week away from the movers coming and packing up all our stuff.  I have never been moved by a moving company before.  I feel so spoiled!  I suppose I should really start figuring out what I will need during our limbo time.  Our stuff is leaving our house on May 25th and the kids and I won't be moving up until June 7th.  We will be staying in a hotel with a pool in the interim. So I've had to figure out what to do with our sweet black mutt, what to do with our gazillion fish, what I need to have with me for those 2+ weeks, and what to do in general.  Because I realize that just because someone is packing and moving all my stuff, doesn't mean I have nothing to do. 

In between now and June 7th, we have a dance recital, a preschool program, a gymnastics meet and a piano recital (which should be interesting given that we will be without a piano after next Friday and the recital is on June 3!).  Not to mention a bunch of final goodbyes with friends.  I've had a few already and it just feels so weird.  Part feels like an ending but mostly it just feels like a "see-you-later" kind of thing.  I haven't gotten overly teary-eyed yet, which for those who know me, is amazing!  But I'm sure it will come. 

I'm sort of at the point where I just want it over and done with.  I've been adjusting to this transition since January and I'm ready for it.  Ready to get the goodbyes over with (and all the emotions that go with that).  Ready to settle in and start figuring out my place in the Rapids.  Ready to move on.  It's not where I started, but I'm thankful its where I am now.  Because, as they say, resistance is futile.  Change happens. 

For those inclined to pray and want to do so for me and us, here are some prayer requests:

  • That I won't forget anything and stay on top of what needs to be done in this last week in our home.
  • That I will have patience and actually enjoy my time with my kids in a hotel for two weeks.
  • That God will be close to my friends who are having a hard time with me leaving.
  • That God would help me to help my kids through this transition.
  • That the Lord would be so present throughout this time that I will look back on it and say, "Wow, that was way easier than I expected!"

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